Root Canal Treatment

Root canal is so popular in the field of endodontics that at times an endodontic treatment is used as a synonym to mean the other. Pulp forms the core of natural tooth. Tooth decay and injury can open up way for bacteria to reach the pulp of the tooth. An infected pulp can cause serious problems in oral health. Root canal treatment is performed to remove the infected pulp and fill the area with appropriate material. Gutta-percha and core build up material are used in order to protect the natural tooth. Root canal process is performed by endodontists and experienced dentists. Local anaesthesia is used during the procedure for painless treatment.
Endodontic Surgery

Most of the times root canal treatments are successful and the tooth is free from dental problems for the rest of the life. In some cases when the infection persists after the procedure endodontic surgery may be necessary. An endodontist suggests a surgical treatment when there are signs of infection around the root which is difficult to reach through commonly used dental instruments. Apicoectomy is one of the commonly performed surgeries by the endodontist. The infected tissues from the root end are removed and the area is filled with inert filling material. Other complex surgeries performed by the endodontist are processes which involve repair and removal of roots.